Full Program

EAI SmartSP 2024
November 7-8, New Orleans, USA

Thursday, November 7, 2024:

08:00AM – 05:00PM    Registration

09:00AM – 09:15AM    Opening Remarks

09:15AM – 10:15AM    Keynote Talk #1

Assistive Technologies: Unsafe at any G? Implications of unintended functionality in telecommunications networks and devices for CPS environments
Dr. Kevin Butler, University of Florida, USA

10:15AM – 10:30AM    Coffee/Tea Break

10:30AM – 11:10AM    Invited Talk #1

From Virtual Touch to Tesla Command: Unlocking Unauthenticated Control Chains From Smart Glasses for Vehicle Takeover
Dr. Yazhou Tu, Auburn University, USA

11:10AM – 11:40AM    Demo Session

• Demo: AcousticScope: Understanding Biases in Voice Interaction via Automated Acoustic Testing
• Demo: An Integrated Platform for Online Abuse Research

11:40AM – 01:00PM     Lunch

01:00PM – 02:15PM     Paper Session #1

• Leaking Through the Physics: Covert Cyber-Physical Data Exfiltration Through Unobserved Physics
• AcousticScope: Understanding Biases in Voice Interaction via Automated Acoustic Testing
• Practitioner Paper: Decoding Intellectual Property Acoustic and Magnetic Side-channel Attack on a 3D Printer

02:15PM – 02:30PM     Inter-Session Break

02:30PM – 03:30PM     Keynote Talk #2

An Old Guys Perspective of Cyber – Journey through INL cyber research
Dr. Kenneth Rohde, Cyber Security Research and Development Department, Idaho National Laboratory, USA

03:30PM – 03:45PM     Coffee/Tea Break

03:45PM – 05:00PM     Paper Session #2

• An efficient and applicable physical fingerprinting framework for the controller area network utilizing deep learning algorithm trained on recurrence plots
• Software Bill of Materials Management for Embedded Vehicle Systems
• Ethical Considerations and Policy Implications for Large Language Models: Guiding Responsible Development and Deployment

05:00PM – 07:00PM     Dinner

Friday November 8, 2024:

09:00AM – 10:00AM    Keynote Talk #3

Deployable Security Beyond Detection Accuracy: Gaps, Successes, and Opportunities
Dr. Danfeng Yao, Virginia Tech, USA

10:00AM – 10:15AM    Coffee/Tea Break

10:15AM – 11:30AM     Paper Session #3

• ProvPredictor: Utilizing Provenance Information for Real-Time IoT Policy Enforcement
• A Case Study of API Design for Interoperability and Security of the Internet of Things
• ShadowConn: Breaking the Entanglement of Cross-platform IoT Delegation in Multi-user Environments

11:30AM – 12:45PM     Lunch

12:45PM – 02:00PM     Paper Session #4

• Hardware-assisted Runtime In-vehicle ECU Firmware Self-attestation and Self-repair
• Unveiling the Operation and Configuration of a Real-World Bulk Substation Network
• RustBound: Function Boundary Detection over Rust Stripped Binaries

02:00PM – 02:15PM     Inter-Session Break

02:15PM – 03:30PM     Paper Session #5

• Transient Adversarial 3D Projection Attacks on Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
• Assessing Deep Learning Model Accuracy in Varied Surface Conditions for CPS: A Comparative Study
• Practitioner Paper: A Real-Time Defense Against Object Vanishing Adversarial Patch Attacks for Object Detection in Autonomous Vehicles

03:30PM – 03:45PM    Coffee/Tea Break

03:45PM – 05:00PM     Paper Session #6

• Integrating Human Preferences for Moral Decision Making in Autonomous Vehicles
• Privacy-Enrooted Car Systems: Preliminary Design

05:00PM – 06:00PM     Award Ceremony & Closing Remarks